Youth Opportunities
As we develop both the YWAM Precinct in Townsville, Australia and the Jetty Campus in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, our great desire is to help young people like you to come alive in your purpose, to grow in your character and skill, all while making great friends, having fun, and a place to belong.

Work Experience
We offer the opportunity for students to complete their work experience at our city campus in Townsville. This unique opportunity gives students the ability to not only explore a future career pathway, but also get a taste of working with a local charity that is dedicated to serving the community.
Work experience opportunities could include:

We provide accommodation and food for the 100 or so volunteers that serve from our campus. Work experience could include working in our commercial kitchen, helping to prepare rooms, or working from our cafe. If you are looking for hands-on hospitality experience while working alongside volunteers from all over the world, this could be a great option for you!
Radio Production
Townsville’s community radio station, 99.9 Live FM, operates right on our campus. Doing work experience with 99.9 Live FM means that you can get an inside glimpse into all that it takes to run a radio station, including announcing, programming, planning, engaging with the community, and more!

Youth Ambassadors
Are you passionate about helping people? Do you enjoy projects? Want to be a part of something bigger than yourself? Why not become a YWAM Medical Ships Australia & Papua New Guinea (YWAM MS) Youth Ambassador at your school.
As a Youth Ambassador you will have the opportunity to lead your peers and the wider community in helping to support the work of YWAM Medical Ships in Papua New Guinea.

What’s involved
Here are a few things you will be asked to do as a School Ambassador:
- Make a commitment for the entire school year
- Let your school know about YWAM MS and the health needs in PNG (show our four-minute video at assembly or invite us to speak with you)
- Organise a toothbrush and soap collection drive or a fundraising event (such as a casual day, sausage sizzle, or bake sale) at your school
- If you have Facebook or Instagram, share our posts with your friends
- Touch base with us at least once a school term so we can support you
- Optional: In High School? We have volunteering opportunities on our ship for high school students. Why not put a group together from your school?
What you will gain
As a Youth Ambassador you will have the opportunity to develop new skills to take with you for the rest of your life. You will also walk away with a greater perspective of the world and gain vision about how to make a difference in our world. To help you in your role, our team will:
- Take you through an orientation learning about YWAM MS
- Provide you with communication materials such as brochures, videos, and posters
- Connect you with a YWAM MS staff member who can answer your questions, give you ideas, and mentor you for your role
- Give you a YWAM MS t-shirt
- Connect you with other Youth Ambassadors
- Offer you a spot on an outreach in Papua New Guinea with a guardian

What we are looking for
We are seeking Youth Ambassadors who:
- Enjoy rallying others behind a cause
- Get excited by creative and innovative ideas
- Are keen to learn new skills and challenge themselves
- Are genuinely interested in areas of injustice and poverty and want to see change in the world
- Young people up to 18 years of age who are willing to make a 12-month commitment on a volunteer basis