What’s the One Word Holding You Back from Your Destiny?
I think that deep down in our hearts we really want to be people who live with purpose and make a difference in the world with our one short life. So why does it seem so hard sometimes?
When I was 22 my heart was full of much excitement and potential for what could be. I was graduating from University and looking at this great future ahead of me – but what step would I take? On one hand it was like this incredible adventure; on the other hand, there was this equally incredible fear – what if I did the wrong thing?
Since I was 10 years old, I had heard about this thing called YWAM – young people living out their faith on a great adventure all around the world. There was this seed of excitement in my heart but I kept wondering – what if I miss out on something else? What if I’m behind when it comes to career or study. My mind would constantly fill with worry and fear as I pondered the future. I put it off when I was 18 but at 22, there was this growing question inside of me –What if a YWAM DTS was actually a key to my future?
I took the plunge into YWAM and had an amazing time but at the end of six months, the question still loomed – what would I do with my life?
On the outside everything looked great – I had a great job working for my amazing parents. I was even involved in helping start a Young Life ministry in my city – but on the inside there was a niggling – is this all that God had for me or was there something else I was ignoring?
I had a nudge that perhaps working with YWAM was the step for me, but I also had a lot of fear – what about the money? What about being away from my family? What if its just me – my hope – and not actually God at all?
I stayed in a place of indecision for 18 long months.
There is an amazing quote from the Bible that talks about this place of indecision –
“If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You’ll get his help, and won’t be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believing, without a second thought. People who “worry their prayers” are like wind-whipped waves. Don’t think you’re going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open.” – James 1:5-8
Since 2010 I’ve been working closely with our medical ship that operates in Papua New Guinea. I now find myself paying a lot more attention to the weather and how it vigorously affects the ocean and waves. Being on a ship in the middle of the ocean can feel vulnerable, uncertain, and unstable especially during a storm. To be honest – my life was a lot like that, because of my own indecision.
The answers to my questions seemed difficult and complicated, but in reality, I already knew what they were and the only answer I needed was yes.

I said YES to God without knowing all the answers to every question.
As I started walking out in my bold step of faith , I saw incredible provision in my relationships, in my skill for the work I would be doing, even in my finances that I was so worried about.
It almost seems too easy, doesn’t it? But one little word – YES – can change the course of our lives from mundane or even vulnerable to the most effective, exciting and destiny filled purpose in our lives.
Are you focusing on the wrong questions, worried about the future? I encourage you to consider how you can say YES today.

Rebekah Hoover
Rebekah is on staff with YWAM Townsville. In addition to being a mother of four, she is on the leadership team for YWAM Townsville and speaks on our training schools.
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