Jul 18, 2012 | Volunteer Stories
“Overall, I found the outreach to have been a valuable experience. It was amazing to serve the villages with the little we had. It was also sobering to find out how difficult it was for them to access any kind of health service and how few doctors there were in...
Jul 16, 2012 | Volunteer Stories
“One of the highlights of the trip has been doing antenatal checks. I was able to educate the women and make sure mum and baby were doing well. One thing I loved was being able to use the Doppler and let the Mum hear their baby’s heartbeat for the first...
Jul 14, 2012 | Volunteer Stories
“I came to the YWAM Medical Ship not knowing what to expect in PNG or on the outreach. Once I got here, I was amazed at the hospitality of the people, those on and off the ship. I found the crewmembers on the ship very welcoming, and over the past two weeks made...
Jul 13, 2012 | Volunteer Stories
“Where else can you find 50 people crammed into a small space for 2 1/2 weeks without fighting and disharmony? This experience was so uplifting with everyone focused on the same purpose.” – David Wardle, Nurse, Ingham
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