Oct 2, 2018 | News & Stories
Excitement ran high as the surgeons aboard the YWAM Medical Ship prepped Ella Waibala for her cataract surgery. Not only would the procedure offer Ella improved vision, it would also mark a significant event for the YWAM Medical Ships ophthalmology clinic: its 1,000th...
Jun 28, 2018 | News & Stories
People hear about YWAM’s work in Papua New Guinea through a wide range of ways, and this week, hearing about it on a game show was added to the list. YWAM Medical Ships volunteer from 2016, Joanna Vinicombe, made the most of her moment of fame on Australian...
Dec 22, 2016 | News & Stories
Papua New Guinea is known as the Land of the Unexpected, for one grandmother, that unpredictability turned out to be an excellent thing. Igabi Cadio travelled from her village in Parama to Daru with her daughter, Lucy. A keen footy fan, Lucy was hoping to watch the...
Dec 19, 2016 | Uncategorized
Villagers of Bamio, Western Province, were thrilled to hear rotor blades coming their way last week as Manolos Aviation flew in an ophthalmologist (eye surgeon) and nurse to join the YWAM Training and Medical Ship anchored close by. A local man, introducing himself as...
Jun 24, 2016 | News & Stories
In 2013, Bray, an active 17 year old, lost his sight in both eyes. His brother, Dura said, “At first we didn’t believe him, we joked that he paddled his canoe like an inland man – bumping into bushes on the river bank!” Bray’s sight was limited to light and dark...
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