Routine. How does this word makes you feel… bored? Productive? Energetic? Lazy? Whatever comes to mind, routine is an invaluable thing that can be used to improve our wellbeing and help us live a purposeful and meaningful life. A routine can be great to help us prioritise the things that need to get done, in a way that aligns to our values.
Our Discipleship Training School is a great place to establish a good, healthy routine. To help you do this well, we have crafted up some of our top tips in preparation for your arrival. (Ps. You don’t have to wait until you get here – kick-start one for yourself now in preparation!)
First of all, let’s give you a bit of insight into how a typical day in the life of DTS looks like…

Our daily schedule here is somewhat busy, but it also leaves plenty of room for free time, and creating a good personal routine. Here are our suggestions!

Wake up early and walk Castle Hill
Townsville is home to a hill right on the back doorstep of our campus. If you’re an early morning riser, and love to start your day with some exercise, we suggest this is the way to go! Find a friend, get some fresh air into your lungs and take in the incredible view from the top of the hill!
Breakfast + Bible
Start your day by carving out some time alone with God (we promise you won’t regret it!) Find a quiet place on our large campus either outside on the lawn or deck, or inside the cafeteria, to sit, be still, and invite God into your day.

Breakfast + Bible
Start your day by carving out some time alone with God (we promise you won’t regret it!) Find a quiet place on our large campus either outside on the lawn or deck, or inside the cafeteria, to sit, be still, and invite God into your day.

At 9am, you’ll be heading to your classrooms for daily lectures. This is the time where you will be learning about different topics, such as: Character and Nature of God, Identity, Relationships, (…and more!) There will be a variety of different lecturers, who will bring a wealth of valuable content to your classes. A great routine to develop is arriving on time 😉 and being prepared with your Bible, notebook, and pen.
Lunch with a friend
Lunchtime is a great place to connect with other people – whether in your DTS, or even those on staff. Use this time to meet someone new or learn more about someone you already know. This can also be a great way to debrief what you’ve been learning about in class and sharing any revelations you’ve had from God.

Lunch with a friend
Lunchtime is a great place to connect with other people – whether in your DTS, or even those on staff. Use this time to meet someone new or learn more about someone you already know. This can also be a great way to debrief what you’ve been learning about in class and sharing any revelations you’ve had from God.

Ministry placement
Each day you will have some time in an area of the campus to serve the community. This might be: hospitality, cooking, cleaning, administration, etc. But whatever you find yourself doing, we suggest routinely using this time to bless the campus and meet new people! There are some amazing staff at our base, so why not get to know someone new in your ministry placement area!
Sunday Markets
Another fun weekend routine activity that we’d suggest you get into is the local Sunday Markets down on Flinders Street. They are only a short walk from campus, and down there you’ll find an array of fresh produce, handmade products, and more! Using your weekends to rest and relax is a great habit to get into, to recharge your batteries for the next week.

Sunday Markets
Another fun weekend routine activity that we’d suggest you get into is the local Sunday Markets down on Flinders Street. They are only a short walk from campus, and down there you’ll find an array of fresh produce, handmade products, and more! Using your weekends to rest and relax is a great habit to get into, to recharge your batteries for the next week.

Local Cafes
There are also a bunch of cafes in walking distance from our campus. A useful tip we would give is to use these spaces to study, read, or meet a friend. This can be a social or individual routine to set up!
We hope some of these tips will be helpful for you when you come and spend some time with us at YWAM Townsville. Remember, a routine is a great thing to develop in life, so why not start setting up a good one for yourself today!
Got more questions about what life will be like during your DTS? Schedule a call with your registrar here!

Jessica Begg
Jess did her DTS with us in 2019, and now runs her own small business in Sydney. Jess has a background in visual design and marketing and is passionate about using her creative gifts to share life and beauty with the world 🌎
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