In the village of Serivimabu, Renee Latter and the team were doing a clinic in the afternoon. This was the second clinic of the day and she was beginning to feel tired, hot and was a in a lot of pain with her back. A lot of patients complaining of back pain and wanting a quick fix from her, added to the difficulty level of the day.
In the afternoon, she decided to do a teaching educating locals how to manage back pain. After thanking them for listening and shaking their hands, one man stayed behind to talk.
He had a lot of sound wisdom and knowledge to share and was so encouraging to Renee. “I felt like I should be the one encouraging him, not the other way around. He spoke to me about going and reaching out to the people”. He talked about leaving your fancy mattress and going into the world to share what we have. He encouraged her that she was learning something in this time in PNG that should be shared to impact everyone back home.
He said this with a smile and said to Renee, “maybe you’ll come back to PNG.”
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