The Tablelands/Cairns team have been off to a great start! We spent the first week in the Tablelands where we were able to do a school program at the Jubilee Christian College. The team did awesome, and really enjoyed sharing in smaller groups and getting to know the students there. A few friendships were built during the program and we continued to meet up with a few of the students throughout the week at the skatepark, and to play basketball. While in Atherton one day, one of the students (Jim Eveland) met a few guys and was able to share his own story with them. Two days later while the team was at a church in town a couple came up to Jim and asked if he was the YWAMer who had spoke to their son at the skatepark. They told Jim thank you for sharing with their son, and that for the first time in two years their son came home and apologized for the way he had acted before. He said he loved them, and wanted to respect them from now on!
” I’ve never really known whether or not my story was having an affect when sharing it with the youth, and sometimes I wondered if God really wanted me to share the details or to just keep it basic. After this experience, I have definitely been affirmed that it is not my story, rather God’s story, and sharing the details brought it full circle and glorified Him.” -Jim Eveland, 22
We just arrived in Mossman, which is an hour from Cairns. We will be connecting with 5 of the surrounding schools here this week, as well as three churches in the area. Looking forward to getting busy this week, and meeting a lot of new people!The team is doing great, and really enjoying outreach so far!
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