Explore a Christian Gap Year with YWAM Medical Ships
Deepen Your Faith, Equip your Character and Make a Global Impact through missions!
“Join thousands of individuals who embark on this life-changing journey each year!”
“For many students, a gap year is about crystallising their decision-making, developing self-directed and self-regulation skills, broadening their competencies and self-organisation and perhaps their confidence”

22 weeks of
Discipleship Training School (DTS)
A 22 weeks adventure that includes 13 weeks of missions training in a live-learn environment followed by a 9 week outreach!
Discipleship Training School – 11290NAT – Certificate III in Discipleship

6 Months of
Entering your Skill Track
An additional 6 months furthering your new skills and experience in your chosen specialised elective!
See your options below
Your Christian Gap Year includes specialized electives that shapes your focus

DTS (1st Half)
– Serve in our cafe an hour a week
– Serve people through hospitality during outreach!
Skill Track (2nd Half)
– Master Barista skills through full time volunteering in our cafe!
– Hands on experience in customer service

Global Health
DTS (1st Half)
– During elective times learn different health programs
-On outreach contribute to various community development initiatives
Skill Track (2nd Half)
– Jump on the Introduction to Global Health Development course (IGHD)
– Study in Papua New Guinea
– HLT31220 – Certificate III in Basic Health Care

Media & Radio
DTS (1st Half)
– Get exposure to our on site radio station
– Share the impacting stories of your outreach team!
Skill Track (2nd Half)
– Introduction to Media & Radio Course will teach you audio production and broadcasting skills
– Producing your own show while you volunteer in our on-campus radio station, reaching 42,000 listeners
– CUA31020 – Certificate III in Screen and Media

Youth Ministry
DTS (1st Half)
– Lead youth development programs during lecture
– Youth ministry programs during outreach!
Skill Track (2nd Half)
– Adventure-based learning and youth programs through High Ropes.
– Develop key group facilitation skills to empower others through full time volunteering
“This Christian Gap Year will equip you with the tools you need to face life with confidence and faith.”
Why not You Too?!
This is your moment!
Investment in Your Christian Gap Year
The experiences and growth you’ll gain during your Christian Gap Year are invaluable

Here’s what you can expect in terms of costs
Jan - June
DTS (26 Jan 25 – 28 Jun 25)
Cost: $6490AUD + ($1000 – $1800 outreach travel)(Same for each elective)
Includes tuition, accommodation, meals, and outreach expenses.
The DTS involves 13 weeks of lectures with ministry placements and elective times followed by 9 weeks of outreach.
July - Dec
Skill Tracks
Global Health Track Costs:
(13 Jul 25 – 12 Dec 25) (This course is done in Papua New Guinea)
6,000 PGK course fee + outreach travel expenses – C nation price
12,800 PGK course fee + outreach travel expenses – B nation price
15,800 PGK course fee + outreach travel expenses – A nation price
To see your nation category, click here.
Your course fee includes 14 weeks of missions training and 9 weeks of outreach, this includes:
- Meals, accommodation, laundry facilities and airport transfers
- Your outreach includes all of your meals, accommodation and field supplies.
Your outreach travel expenses will include any flights, ferries, busses or other transport required to get to your outreach locations.
* The course fee does not include travel costs to and from Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, PNG Visa or immunisations. Outreach travel expenses will be determined after the commencement of the school, once your outreach location has been finalised.
Media & Radio Track Costs:
(13 Jul 25 – 12 Dec 25)
Cost: $2900AUD course fee +
Accommodation available starting at $215/month.
Meals are available on campus at $5.75 for lunch & dinner for daily sign in’s.
The Introduction to Media & Radio course fee involves 22 weeks of placement and lectures.
Youth Ministry Track Costs:
(13 Jul 25 – 23 Dec 25)
Accommodation available starting at $215/month
Meals are available on campus at $5.75 for lunch & dinner daily sign in’s.
The Youth Ministry track offers a 6 Month full-time volunteering position at the YWAM Campus, centering on hands-on experience in youth development through the high ropes and youth engagement through our precinct.
Hospitality Track:
(13 Jul 25 – 23 Dec 25)
Accommodation available starting at $215/month
Meals are available on campus at $5.75 for lunch & dinner daily sign in’s.
The Hospitality track offers a 6 Month full time volunteering position at the YWAM Campus, centering on hands-on experience in our YWAM Cafe developing barista skills.
The Ultimate Gap Year
Interested? Contact us for more info!