Its official
we are in the last month of the year! In 30 or so days we’ll flip the calendar and it will become 2019.
Maybe like me you’re feeling all sorts of nostalgia as the year comes to close. What did I love about this year? What did I overcome? How did I grow? What did I accomplish? And then there’s the flip to that question as well – what wasn’t so great about this year? What are the mountains still in front of me? What questions are left unanswered? What goals did I not reach, despite my best intentions? You could be feeling all sort of emotions depending on how your year panned out.
But you know what? It’s not quite over yet. We have one month left to finish strong. And while it might not be possible to tick off every resolution we made at the beginning of the year, there is always something we can set our heart and mind to – 30 days is enough time to do something significant. How do you want to feel when January 1st rolls around? Do you want to be drumming up motivation to be better? Or do you want to be starting your year feeling strong and ready to take on what’s next for you?
I’ll be honest, this tends to be the time of year when I become a not a great version of myself, a fatty boomba is what I like to call it. I eat too much, I stay up late, I watch too many TV shows and I let my habits and routines go out in the window in the name of “celebration.” In my mind I think, “it’s okay, I’ll be better in the new year.” While all those things are fun in the moment, I never feel great when January rolls around. If anything, I often feel a bit defeated.
I’ve been beginning to think how I would feel in January if I didn’t live that way this holiday season. What if throughout the month of December I woke up 5:30 every day, exercised, ate well, got enough sleep, and fuelled my mind with things that will help me to grow? What would it look like if I celebrated the holiday season different this year? I can guarantee I’m going to feel much stronger and ready for January than if I did my usual plan.
So what does this look like for you? How can you live with intention this month? What can you do now that’s going to set you up for a great 2019? Maybe it’s finally making a decision on something you’ve been on the fence on, maybe its going through a bible study you’ve been wanting to do, maybe it’s finishing a project you’ve been putting off, or maybe it’s making peace with a friend or family member.
Pray about it, choose your thing, write down your plan for the month, share about it with a friend, and most importantly … do it 🙂 Let’s do this experiment together and see how we feel January 1st! Here’s to taking control of our lives and finishing 2018 stronger than we started 🙂
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