Wendy came to the primary health care clinic in Karati hoping for some help. Months prior, Wendy had suffered major burns on many areas of her body including her arms and her face. After her accident, the scar tissue had built up all down her arms, leaving her unable to extend them fully.
One of the doctors on board for the first outreach, Dr. Peter Schindler, looked to see what help he could offer. He concluded that he could safely cut open and remove some of the scar tissue on the inside of her arm so that she could have full range of motion back.
On the morning of the second day in Wendy’s village, after having a consultation the day before, the doctor began the procedure. Though the burns damaged both arms, the doctor decided it would be best to only do one arm, and preferred the right because it was the arm that was the most troublesome to her.
Wendy did very well through the procedure and came back the following day for check up. She was happy with the results and extremely grateful for the help she received. Four days after the procedure, the doctor removed the gauze, and Wendy was able to straighten her arm almost completely!
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